Death of a Dog Whisperer (A Melanie Travis Mystery)

Read * Death of a Dog Whisperer (A Melanie Travis Mystery) PDF by # Laurien Berenson eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Death of a Dog Whisperer (A Melanie Travis Mystery) When Nick is discovered dead in his home, his sister Claire enlists Melanie to help track down the killer. The well-heeled dog owners of Fairfield County are lapping up his alleged talents, anxious to discover exactly what their pampered pets are thinking--that is until the pooches start spilling their secrets. She hardly has time to pay much attention to her Aunt Pegs new protégé, Nick Walden, a self-proclaimed dog whisperer with an uncanny gift for decoding dog-speak. But no m

Death of a Dog Whisperer (A Melanie Travis Mystery)

Author :
Rating : 4.65 (521 Votes)
Asin : B00ONTS69G
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 129 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-12-02
Language : English


With unexpected twists, humor, and a wealth of information about the story’s milieu, Berenson wraps up this caper in a tail-wagging finale." —Publishers Weekly "Berenson, who has a nose for balancing fun and fright, devises another story that will appeal to dog aficionados and cozy lovers alike." —Kirkus"Berenson’s canine frame story will have dog lovers’ tails wagging, and it doesn’t detract from either the savvy heroine or the smart mystery." —Booklist "A wonderful novel. Even better if you read it

When Nick is discovered dead in his home, his sister Claire enlists Melanie to help track down the killer. The well-heeled dog owners of Fairfield County are lapping up his alleged talents, anxious to discover exactly what their pampered pets are thinking--that is until the pooches start spilling their secrets. She hardly has time to pay much attention to her Aunt Peg's new protégé, Nick Walden, a self-proclaimed "dog whisperer" with an uncanny gift for decoding dog-speak. But no matter how hectic life gets, she can always pick up the scent of a howling good mystery--and she'll stop at nothing to dig up the truth .It's summer in Connecticut, and Melanie's life has become an endless string of dog shows, soccer camp, and the antics of her energetic toddler. But just when she thinks she's barking up the wrong tree, she'll find herself face to face with a pureb

She and her husband live on a farm in Kentucky surrounded by dogs and horses.No Bio . Laurien Berenson is an Agatha and Macavity nominee, winner of the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award, and four time winner of the Maxwell Award, presented by the Dog Writers Association of America

Five Stars catlady6 Enjoy her books. Another fun romp E. McDonald I enjoyed every minute of this story. I would have liked a couple more shows thrown in, but the interactions between people and dogs were great, except for the bad guys :(. Once again, my trip into Melanie's world was far too short. Looking forward to the next episode.. One of the best Melanie Travis mysteries yet As a dog lover,former dog show exhibitor, and mystery lover, I was hooked on this series from the beginning. Though you don't need to read the books in order, I highly recommend it. Berenson develops her characters so vividly that they become friends. Once I discovered this series, I read through them so fast, I found myself impatiently waiting for Death of a