Hymn Reflections: Level 6 (David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library)

Download * Hymn Reflections: Level 6 (David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library) PDF by ^ Sid Richardson eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Hymn Reflections: Level 6 (David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library) These exciting arrangements are uplifting in spirit, reflecting the original mood of each hymn. Church pianists will rejoice in these additions to the DAVID CARR GLOVER CHRISTIAN PIANO LIBRARY. Richardson has carefully retained the meditative attitude of the gentle hymns, and has given great energy to the firm, triumphant hymns. Each arrangement is rich and full, with the melody enhanced but never obscured.]

Hymn Reflections: Level 6 (David Carr Glover Christian Piano Library)

Author :
Rating : 4.23 (567 Votes)
Asin : 0769236928
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 20 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-08-17
Language : English


Carrie said Not what I would consider a level 6. I am a fairly accomplished pianist, certainly not professional grade, but I thought the arrangements were a bit mundane. I wish that ALL music books allowed for preview, but alas. This would certainly be appropriate for a pianist with several years under their belt. I used to teach piano and thought level 6 was more advanced. M

These exciting arrangements are uplifting in spirit, reflecting the original mood of each hymn. Church pianists will rejoice in these additions to the DAVID CARR GLOVER CHRISTIAN PIANO LIBRARY. Richardson has carefully retained the meditative attitude of the gentle hymns, and has given great energy to the firm, triumphant hymns. Each arrangement is rich and full, with the melody enhanced but never obscured.