The Happy Prince: And Other Tales (Junior Classics)

^ Read # The Happy Prince: And Other Tales (Junior Classics) by Oscar Wilde ï eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Happy Prince: And Other Tales (Junior Classics) These fantasies and true-to-life fables were created by Oscar Wilde for his own sons. Here is the tale of the Prince who is not as happy as he seems, of the Selfish Giant who learns how to love children, and of the Star-Child who suffers bitter trials when he rejects his parents.]

The Happy Prince: And Other Tales (Junior Classics)

Author :
Rating : 4.27 (704 Votes)
Asin : 9626346396
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 490 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


These fantasies and true-to-life fables were created by Oscar Wilde for his own sons. Here is the tale of the Prince who is not as happy as he seems, of the Selfish Giant who learns how to love children, and of the Star-Child who suffers bitter trials when he rejects his parents.

'The Puffin Classics series is a perfect marriage of the old and the new. - Julia Ecclesshare, Lovereading4kids' - Julia Eccleshare, Lovereading4kids . Enjoy some of the best books from the past and find out why and how they inspired some of the best writers of the present

Oscar Wilde's story of the HAPPY Prince is a timeless story for both young and Oscar Wilde's story of the HAPPY Prince is a timeless story for both young and old as it defines greatness as one who cares for others more than self - and sacrificing, even unto death for the good of others. Wilde sums up what inspires one to act in the behalf of others, is one who has a loving, caring, and humble heart whether that heart is the prince of the sparrow. It is the 'heart' of the prince . Barbara Fox said An Entirely Different Side of Oscar Wilde. This collection - one of thousands of worthwhile 'freebies' available for Kindle - offers a side of Oscar Wilde unknown to those who've only experienced his witty, cynical plays. These 'fairy tales' are gentle, moralistic, and only sometimes sardonic. I downloaded it in order to have my favorite of Wilde's short stories, "The Selfish Giant", which blends children's fantasy with Christian iconography i. The first fairy tales I heard Julie Vognar My father read them to me, when I was 4, sitting in the crook of his arm (I know I was 4, because at five, I was too BIG to sit in the crook of his arm, and besides, I could read). He must have read them to me a lot, because I still remember "the cold gray fingers of dawn were clutching at the fading stars," from "The Young King" (my favorite, then), and--in "The Selfish Giant," the words TRESSPASSERS

His writing continues to inspire generations of readers across the decades.. A playwright, novelist, poet, essayist, short-story writer, aestheticist and bon vivant, Oscar Wilde (1854-1990) is distinghuised as one of the most unique thinkers of the nineteeth century