The Picture of Dorian Gray

[Barnes & Noble] î The Picture of Dorian Gray ↠ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Picture of Dorian Gray Ellen said A Thrilling Read. I first was introduced to Dorian Gray through a book club, and I thought Oh no, Oscar Wilde, here I go, another hard to read boring society book. I was wrong. Within the first two chapters of Dorian Gray I was intrigued and fascinated. This book deals with several issues that are as important now as they are today: the way our culture worships beauty and youth, an admiration that boarders on homosexual love, virtues, the differences between men and women, and what

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Author :
Rating : 4.33 (978 Votes)
Asin : B006CO0KD0
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 549 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


paperback book with the name of The Picture of Dorian Gray are written by Barnes & Noble. it launch on 0000-00-00 and has 549 number of pages. Here, you can read it online or download on any other format as u want to.

Ellen said A Thrilling Read. I first was introduced to Dorian Gray through a book club, and I thought 'Oh no, Oscar Wilde, here I go, another hard to read boring society book". I was wrong. Within the first two chapters of Dorian Gray I was intrigued and fascinated. This book deals with several issues that are as important now as they are today: the way our culture worships beauty and youth, an admiration that boarders on homosexual love, virtues, the differences between men and women, and what art is and what makes it truly art. Dorian Gray is a beautiful young man, who sees a portrait of himself and says "How sad it is! I shall. "Soft in the middle, sharp at both ends." according to DeLarme Landes. Wilde's philosophical novel remains a compelling parable about outsourced guilt, and nearly every page has at least one eminently quotable line. Nevertheless, the lengthy middle section, which frames Gray's mounting debauchery in a detailed and prolonged discussion of Victorian tastes, grows quickly tedious. The passages are interesting in the abstract as a record of Wilde's apparently obsessive fascination with tapestries and ornament in general, but the novel wouldn't suffer much without them.Still, though, Dorian Gray's predicament and the choices it enables are provocative, and he himself is a cha. "What Makes Makes Oscar Wild(e)? Annotated New Dorian Gray Sparks Interest" according to Alan W. Petrucelli. What made Oscar Wild(e)? The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press has published a new edition of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. While there is no burning need for such a volume in the day of Lady Gaga and marriage equality, it's important to remember that Wilde spent two years in prison for being gay and for having the guts (stupidity?) to flaunt his sexuality. In many ways, it was the flaunting rather than the act themselves that so angered his persecutors. And Dorian Gray, his first and only novel, was certainly a shot fired directly into the heart of Victorian prudery. And in this d