Air Traffic Control Test Prep Study Guide

Read * Air Traffic Control Test Prep Study Guide PDF by * Patrick Mattson eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Air Traffic Control Test Prep Study Guide A. Gandhi said This is outdated, the FAA is now giving out the AT-SAT. This was a good book back when the FAA was reliant on the OPM. Now starting in June-July 05 as far as I know, the new test is the AT-SAT. There is no official review for it but i am just saying that this book is old would not help you for becoming ATC. Book Worm 99Test Has Changed I am a controller and I know several people who have taken the test recently. There is no study guide available that will help you on the ATSAT. I

Air Traffic Control Test Prep Study Guide

Author :
Rating : 4.62 (726 Votes)
Asin : 1560272546
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 216 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


Here is preparation material for the Air Traffic Control (ATC) test, including questions, answers, explanations, application procedures, employment and training information, and test-taking strategies.

A. Gandhi said This is outdated, the FAA is now giving out the AT-SAT. This was a good book back when the FAA was reliant on the OPM. Now starting in June-July 05' as far as I know, the new test is the AT-SAT. There is no official review for it but i am just saying that this book is old would not help you for becoming ATC. Book Worm 99Test Has Changed I am a controller and I know several people who have taken the test recently. There is no study guide available that will help you on the ATSAT. I would suggest setting up several computers and playing games such as 3-D blocks, Rat Poker, etc all at the same time.. said Test Has Changed. I am a controller and I know several people who have taken the test recently. There is no study guide available that will help you on the ATSAT. I would suggest setting up several computers and playing games such as Test Has Changed I am a controller and I know several people who have taken the test recently. There is no study guide available that will help you on the ATSAT. I would suggest setting up several computers and playing games such as 3-D blocks, Rat Poker, etc all at the same time.. -D blocks, Rat Poker, etc all at the same time.