AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: UNION ARMY (Brassey's History of Uniforms)

Download # AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: UNION ARMY (Brasseys History of Uniforms) PDF by # Robin Smith eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: UNION ARMY (Brasseys History of Uniforms) There are also chapters on the regiments raised to swell the Northern army, including Zouaves, Chasseurs, Lancers and Hussars.. An analysis of the US Union army of 1861 to 1865, this work provides details of the uniforms and equipment of the regular army, including infantry, cavalry and artillery]

AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: UNION ARMY (Brassey's History of Uniforms)

Author :
Rating : 4.18 (549 Votes)
Asin : 1857531744
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 144 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


There are also chapters on the regiments raised to swell the Northern army, including Zouaves, Chasseurs, Lancers and Hussars.. An analysis of the US Union army of 1861 to 1865, this work provides details of the uniforms and equipment of the regular army, including infantry, cavalry and artillery

detailing the uniforms Eduardo J. Tellez A This is another great book from Ron Smith,in this book uniforms are examined in terms of style, quality and color. What emerges is a fascinating glimpse on the government' "make do" efforts, ranging from the exotic to the hilarious. Federal troops often sported uniforms with strong European ties, including chasseur-style coats and the famous French Zouave outfit. The 39th New York Volunteers wore colorful uniforms copied from the Italian bersaglieri.When President Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to fight the South in April 1861, he placed a heavy bur. "-" according to A Customer. Thats the best Book about the american civil war, that I read. I recomend it.. uniforms in detail Michael N. Ryan A must have for any civil war enthusiast. A comprehensive source of information on the uniforms of the Northern forces.Extremely well written and very well illustrated.