Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism

[Alastair H. B. Logan] ☆ Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism ↠ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism The sensational discovery of the Nag Hammadi Coptic Library in Egypt in 1945-46 has revolutionized the study of the origins and development of the ancient religious phenomenon known as Gnosticism. The Gnostics felt themselves to be Christians, true interpreters of the message of the unknown God of love first revealed in Christ, the heavenly Son.. It has brought to light many hitherto unknown Gnostic texts and is forcing a reappraisal of the traditional picture of Gnosticism as in essence a Chris

Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism

Author :
Rating : 4.58 (719 Votes)
Asin : 1565632435
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 373 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


His knowledge of the sources is comprehensive and his sensitivity to the ethos of the period is quite unusual. "Dr. Logan's book offers a superbly detailed and careful re-reading of some of the primary evidence for Gnostic beliefs in the early Christian period. Reverend Dr. He challenges much of the scholarly consensus of an earlier generation and identifies certain Gnostic conceptions as revisions of a prior Christian discourse. An important and original study."—The Rt. Rowan Williams, Bishop of Monomouth" an elegant source analysis of one of the foundational Gnostic texts a real tour de force."—Professor Pheme Perkins, Boston College -- Review

Brian Bear said Not For Beginners. Alistair H. B. Logan's book "Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy" has a controversial title, but is in itself a very detailed and scholarly work. It is not written for people who have not had some exposure to Gnosticism, or are unfamiliar with texts from Gnostic sources.Logan's basic theory is to posit an underlying myth to var. Thoughtful academic work M. TURNER Another reviewer of this book apparently didn't read the book. Logan does an exceptional job separating myth and fable from what can be discerned historically, linguistically and archeologically of how things came to be in regards to the gnostics and what became the orthodoxes. His treatment of the subject is level and very th. "Not For Beginners" according to Brian Bear. Alistair H. B. Logan's book "Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy" has a controversial title, but is in itself a very detailed and scholarly work. It is not written for people who have not had some exposure to Gnosticism, or are unfamiliar with texts from Gnostic sources.Logan's basic theory is to posit an underlying myth to var

The sensational discovery of the Nag Hammadi Coptic Library in Egypt in 1945-46 has revolutionized the study of the origins and development of the ancient religious phenomenon known as Gnosticism. The Gnostics felt themselves to be Christians, true interpreters of the message of the unknown God of love first revealed in Christ, the heavenly Son.. It has brought to light many hitherto unknown Gnostic texts and is forcing a reappraisal of the traditional picture of Gnosticism as in essence a Christian heresy.This work focuses on several foundational Gnostic texts—the 'Sethian texts'. In exploring the fascinating interrelationship of Gnostic and Christian ideas, he relates a series of Nag Hammadi texts to the Gnostics; examines the literary and theological evolution of the two main versions of the Apocryphon in terms of Gnostic cosmology, anthropology, soteriology and eschatology; demonstrates how similar were the theological and soteriological concerns of Gnostics and 'orthodox'; and argues that the Gnostics were the first Christian Platonists,

B. Logan is Lecturer in the Department of Theology at the University of Exeter.. Alastair H