Homosexuality a History

[Colin Spencer] ✓ Homosexuality a History ↠ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Homosexuality a History Read This One This is an excellent history from classical times (Greek and Roman) to today. Deals with the fact that homosexuality (as distinct from homosexual acts) is a fairly new concept, unknown to Greeks, Romans, biblical writers, or notable gays such as Leonardo da Vinci. Traces the development of the concept of homosexuality and speaks directly to the current misunderstandings and controversies. If you have any interest in this subject, you will find this a rewarding read.]

Homosexuality a History

Author :
Rating : 4.46 (614 Votes)
Asin : 1857021436
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 448 Pages
Publish Date : 2015-09-18
Language : English


On the way he considers Balinese cross-dressing and Peruvian temple sacrifice, Sumerian male temple prostitutes and Egyptian sexual positions. The reader is taken on a journey from the early Middle Ages, when the western world was tolerant of homosexuality, to the homosexual flowering in the open, creative society of Renaissance Florence, and from male bonding amonst the repressed Victorians to the rise of gay politics in this century.. This work traces the history of homosexuality from the earliest societies and the first civilizations to the present day

Read This One This is an excellent history from classical times (Greek and Roman) to today. Deals with the fact that "homosexuality" (as distinct from homosexual acts) is a fairly new concept, unknown to Greeks, Romans, biblical writers, or notable gays such as Leonardo da Vinci. Traces the development of the concept of homosexuality and speaks directly to the current misunderstandings and controversies. If you have any interest in this subject, you will find this a rewarding read.