Over My Head: A Doctor's Own Story of Head Injury from the Inside Looking Out

Read [Claudia L. Osborn Book] # Over My Head: A Doctors Own Story of Head Injury from the Inside Looking Out Online # PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Over My Head: A Doctors Own Story of Head Injury from the Inside Looking Out Locked inside a brain-injured head looking out at a challenging world is the premise of this extraordinary autobiography. The author, a 45-year-old doctor and clinical professor of medicine, describes the aftermath of a brain injury eleven years ago which stripped her of her beloved profession. For years she was deprived of her intellectual companionship and the ability to handle the simplest undertakings like shopping for groceries or sorting the mail. Her progression from confusion, dysfunctio

Over My Head: A Doctor's Own Story of Head Injury from the Inside Looking Out

Author :
Rating : 4.62 (751 Votes)
Asin : 0740705989
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 239 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-03-10
Language : English


. Her story shows the effect of a severe head injury on behavior and personality. Yet on one summer evening in 1988, a young physician out for a bicycle ride without a helmet was hit by a careless driver and sustained a devastating brain injury. This inspiring documentation will assist patients, families, and friends enduring the same difficulties and help health professionals understand and train their patients in the difficult rehabilitation process. From Library Journal Awareness about head-injury prevention has significantly increased in the last decade. This autobiographical account "from the inside looking out" details that physician's experience from the moment of impact throu

Locked inside a brain-injured head looking out at a challenging world is the premise of this extraordinary autobiography. The author, a 45-year-old doctor and clinical professor of medicine, describes the aftermath of a brain injury eleven years ago which stripped her of her beloved profession. For years she was deprived of her intellectual companionship and the ability to handle the simplest undertakings like shopping for groceries or sorting the mail. Her progression from confusion, dysfunction, and alienation to a full, happy life is told with restraint, great style, and considerable humor.. Over My Head is an inspiring story of how one woman comes to terms with the loss of her identity and the courageous steps (and hilarious missteps) she takes while learning to rebuild her life

Until her injury in July 1988, Claudia L. Osborn taught and practiced internal medicine in a busy inner-city Detroit hospital. A graduate of Vassar College and Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, she is currently an Associate Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at MSU, and makes her home in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Acceptance and patience in recovery from a brain injury Claudia Osborn was a physician when she was hit by a car while riding her bike one night. This resulted in a traumatic brain injury.This book describes her journey afterwards, her treatment, her deficits, her futile hopes for the future and the grief when she realized she couldn't achieve them. She talks about her unwavering resolve to make herself able to function, by writing herself notes, recor. A Must-Read for the TBI Community L. Penny The fact that Dr. Osborn was able to write a memoir of her own head injury and rehabilitation is in itself inspiring, but the true gift to the reader is her ability to blend clinical objectivity that informs and educates with the emotional rollercoaster of her tragedy and rehabilitation. I would highly recommend this book for anyone in the TBI community (patients, families, friends, caregivers) as. A really good read on the topic of head injuries for those A really good read on the topic of head injuries for those of us with the injuries and for the families that care for us with head injuries to give them some insight, It was engaging and it was great to read her perspective as a Doctor because explaining it to the doctors I had that were not involved when I was hit by a car is very difficult. Nice to be able to give them a title written by a Docto