Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle

[Mark D. Nanos] ✓ Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle ↠ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle Surprising common ground among the contributors presents a coherent alternative to the New Perspective. The volume concludes with a critical evaluation of the Paul within Judaism perspective by Terence L. After an introduction that surveys recent study of Paul and highlights the centrality of questions about Pauls Judaism, chapters explore the implications of reading Pauls instructions as aimed at Christ-following non-Jews, teaching them how to live in ways consistent with Judaism while rema

Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle

Author :
Rating : 4.29 (538 Votes)
Asin : 1451470037
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 360 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-11-14
Language : English


Nanos is lecturer at the University of Kansas and author of The Mystery of Romans (Fortress Press, 1996) and The Irony of Galatians (Fortress Press, 2002).Magnus Zetterholm is associate professor in New Testament studies at Lund University and author of Approaches to Paul: A Student's Guide to Recent Scholarship (Fortress Press, 2009) and The Formation of Christianity in Antioch (2003); he edited The Messiah: In Early Judaism and Christianity (Fortress Press, 2007).. About the AuthorMark D

Mark Mattison said An Indispensable Introduction. As important a development in New Testament studies as "the new perspective on Paul" and "Paul and Empire," the more recently defined perspective of "Paul Within Judaism" has finally, with this invaluable collection of essays, been articulated in an accessible way for a more broad audience. The Jewish and Christian scholars represented in these pages present compelling and persuasive arguments that even scholars working from the (now not so new) new perspective haven't yet fu. Susan said I recommend this book for all who are in ministry. This book of essays opened my eyes to a new understanding of Paul within his own historical context of Second Temple Judaism in the Diaspora instead of from anachronistic interpretations from later centuries. Mark Nanos has convinced me that Paul never left Judaism but was seeking a way to incorporate non-Jewish believers in Christ into the people of God, as non-Jews. I recommend this book for all who are in ministry, or graduate biblical studies.. C. Heng said Appreciating Paul's roots and the original context. I had to read it slowly have come to appreciate that the Hebrew roots of Paul is not yet fully understood by our Church culture and we have gone off tangent coming into the last hour this subject helps in my personal alignment

Nanos is lecturer at the University of Kansas and author of The Mystery of Romans (Fortress Press, 1996) and The Irony of Galatians (Fortress Press, 2002).Magnus Zetterholm is associate professor in New Testament studies at Lund University and author of Approaches to Paul: A Student's Guide to Recent Scholarship (Fortress Press, 2009) and The Formation of Christianity in Antioch (2003); he edited The Messiah: In Early Judaism and Christ

Surprising common ground among the contributors presents a coherent alternative to the "New Perspective." The volume concludes with a critical evaluation of the Paul within Judaism perspective by Terence L. After an introduction that surveys recent study of Paul and highlights the centrality of questions about Paul's Judaism, chapters explore the implications of reading Paul's instructions as aimed at Christ-following non-Jews, teaching them how to live in ways consistent with Judaism while remaining non-Jews. The contributors take different methodological points of departure: historical, ideological-critical, gender-critical, and empire-critical, and examine issues of terminology and of interfaith relations. In these chapters, a