The Consolation of Philosophy

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The Consolation of Philosophy

Author :
Rating : 4.44 (671 Votes)
Asin : 1493557971
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 128 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-01-07
Language : English


Robert Moore said Remains vital after fifteen hundred years. The particular edition I am reviewing is the Oxford World's Classics translation by P. G. Walsh.This is one of those classics that can catch an unsuspecting reader completely by surprise, especially if one has read many other works by near contemporaries. The circumstances under which it was composed are legendary, and lend the work a legitimacy granted to few other works. Boethius was among the foremost government officials in what was essentially the successor government to the end of the Roman Empire. Rome and much of the rest of what would later become I. "Boethius, the most influential philosopher you never heard of." according to Amazon Customer. I'll be honest, I purchased this book last semester because it was a required text in my political philosophy course. This course was the first philosophy course I have taken in my college career so the vocabulary and style of writing took some time to become adjusted to. Overall it is a great read in what stands behind the classical ideals of philosophy in a debate we refer to as the Ancient-Modern Debate.. "A matter of the mind" according to Dr. Wilhelm Weber. Well, take and read. There are A matter of the mind Well, take and read. There are 3 things which help in anxiety and periods of distress:1. Change the situation2. Change your evaluation of the cause for distress3. Take medication or other means to bear what otherwise seems unbearable.In my view Boethius goes for the 2nd option as the wise embodiment of wisdom and philosophy encourages him to do.. things which help in anxiety and periods of distress:1. Change the situation2. Change your evaluation of the cause for distressA matter of the mind Well, take and read. There are 3 things which help in anxiety and periods of distress:1. Change the situation2. Change your evaluation of the cause for distress3. Take medication or other means to bear what otherwise seems unbearable.In my view Boethius goes for the 2nd option as the wise embodiment of wisdom and philosophy encourages him to do.. . Take medication or other means to bear what otherwise seems unbearable.In my view Boethius goes for the 2nd option as the wise embodiment of wisdom and philosophy encourages him to do.

The Consolation of Philosophy By Ancius Boethius

Boethius, of the noble Anicia family, entered public life at a young age and was already a senator by the age of 25. His father, Flavius Manlius Boethius, was consul in 487 after Odoacer deposed the last Western Roman Emperor. 480 524 or 525 AD), was a philosopher of the early 6th century. Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius, commonly called Boethius (ca. . He was born in Rome to an ancient and prominent family which included emperors Petronius Maximus and Olybrius and many consuls

Language Notes Text: English, Latin (translation)