The Electronic Cottage: Everyday Living With Your Personal Computers in the 1980's

[Joseph DEKEN] ✓ The Electronic Cottage: Everyday Living With Your Personal Computers in the 1980s ↠ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Electronic Cottage: Everyday Living With Your Personal Computers in the 1980s Great fun to look back on the first decade of home computing, but also good solid info on how to do bacic computer language and tasks.. A computer collectors dream find - sections on Welcome to the Age of Logic, Breaking the Language Barrier, How Machines Make Decisions, Games, Hypergames and Metagames, Computing as a Seventh Sense, Chores and Drugery - the Computer as Slave, and much more]

The Electronic Cottage: Everyday Living With Your Personal Computers in the 1980's

Author :
Rating : 4.76 (872 Votes)
Asin : B000NXFOSM
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 341 Pages
Publish Date : 0000-00-00
Language : English


Great In Its Time J. Reynolds During the decade in which computer use in the USA really blossomed, the 1980s, this was the only book I read on the subject which clearly explained (using an analogy of buckets being filled with water) how the binary (on / off) concept functioned, and was then built-upon to result in functional computing capacity.All the other books on the subject would tell you about "bits," and how Base 2 was used in an of / off fashion in a grid and would then jump to higher functionality -- which was equivalent to being shown a brick, followed by a photo of a completed house.

Great fun to look back on the first decade of home computing, but also good solid info on how to do bacic computer language and tasks.. A computer collector's dream find - sections on "Welcome to the Age of Logic," "Breaking the Language Barrier," "How Machines Make Decisions," "Games, Hypergames and Metagames," Computing as a Seventh Sense," Chores and Drugery - the Computer as Slave," and much more