War Trauma: Lessons Unlearned, From Vietnam to Iraq

[Raymond Monsour Scurfield] ✓ War Trauma: Lessons Unlearned, From Vietnam to Iraq Ë Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. War Trauma: Lessons Unlearned, From Vietnam to Iraq This volume also looks at what military and mental health professionals should have learned from the Vietnam War in order to better protect Americans in later conflicts and to help them recover afterwards. Through efforts to treat veterans of past conflicts he illustrates the inevitability of lifelong psychiatric scars from today s conflicts as well. What he found was a resurgence of selective amnesia and denial about the true impact of war. The effects go on for decades after the violence occur

War Trauma: Lessons Unlearned, From Vietnam to Iraq

Author :
Rating : 4.77 (630 Votes)
Asin : 0875864856
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 248 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-11-17
Language : English


Scurfield….There simply is nothing else that captures the essence of the impact of war on combat veterans. of Social Work, University of Southern Indiana, in Traumatology, Fall 2005 . Together these three works will provide a personalized background of where we ve been, where we went, how we got there and possible future implications for our evolving understanding of the Vietnam war and its impacts on participants, policy makers and the public. May, Assoc. --Kathy Platoni, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist, LTC/MS/USARScurfield s extensive work with Vietnam veterans in his 25+ year career with the Department of Veterans Affairs informs and enriches this work, which includes very engaging treatments of his return to Vietnam with his clients. To date, nothing published contains such extraordinary real world relevance as that which has been submitted to Algora Publishing by Dr. Finally, the general public (read non veteran and non therapist) will find the

An Essential Read Dr. Raymond Monsour Scurfield is a professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast. He is a Vietnam veteran and worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs for 25 years and has directed PTSD mental health programs in a number of locations. He is recognized nationally and internationally for his expertise in PTSD in both combat veterans and disaster sur

This volume also looks at what military and mental health professionals should have learned from the Vietnam War in order to better protect Americans in later conflicts and to help them recover afterwards. Through efforts to treat veterans of past conflicts he illustrates the inevitability of lifelong psychiatric scars from today s conflicts as well. What he found was a resurgence of selective amnesia and denial about the true impact of war. The effects go on for decades after the violence occurred, and we are still just learning to understand the depth and variety of problems it can cause. The author was a national faculty member for joint VA-DOD training programs to enhance mental health response readiness for receiving anticipated medical and psychiatric casualties from the Persian Gulf War. "War Trauma" concludes "A Vietnam Trilogy," in which a nationally-renowned authority on post-traumatic stress disorder re

Teague award for extraordinary contributions benefiting war-injured veterans. In 2006 he was given the Mississippi Social Worker of the Year Award by the Mississippi Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers in recognition of his post-Hurricane Katrina social work activities and post-traumatic stress interventions on the MS Gulf