Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots

Read # Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots PDF by ^ Abby McDonald eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots Fun Summer Read Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots was a really fun, adventurous read with a few more serious matters thrown in.Jenna is a 17 year old girl who grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey. Shes a member of a Green Teen, a club for environmentalists who hold protests and spends her free time sending letters to government officials to protect the environment. Over summer she chooses to. Okay but not for me Sadly, I didnt like Boys, Bears, And A Serious Pair Of Hiking Boots

Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots

Author :
Rating : 4.85 (903 Votes)
Asin : 1501278630
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 211 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-12-03
Language : English


Can a boy-hungry Jersey girl survive the wilds of Canada with her eco-identity intact? A witty new YA novel from the author of Sophomore Switch.Jenna may hail from the ’burbs of New Jersey, but Green Teen activism is her life. But after a few run-ins with local wildlife (from a larger-than-life moose to Susie’s sullen Goth stepdaughter to a hot but hostile boy named Reeve), Jenna gets the idea that her long-held ideals, like vegetarianism and conservation, don’t play so well with this population of real outdoorsmen. A dusty survival guide offers Jenna amusing tips on navigating the wildernessbut can she learn to navigate the turns of her heart?. So when her mom suggests they spend the summer at Grandma’s Florida condo, Jenna pleads instead to visit her hippie godmother, Susie, up in rural Canada. Jenna is psyched at the chance to commune with this nature she’s heard aboutand the cute, plaidwearing boys she’s certain must roam there

While some of the incidents seem a bit far-fetched, the relationships among the characters are authentic. Jenna ceases to be a militant conservationist and becomes an introspective one. She makes the best choices she can for the people around her, the environment, and herself. They are a force in their New Jersey community and a positive voice for activism. But instead of forgetting about her concerns altogether, she takes a different approach to help the B and B and the town. Susie, renovating her home into a bed-and-breakfast, cannot afford Jenna's conservation suggestions. . Her story will have strong appeal for teens who like realistic fiction with great relationships and perhaps a hint of romance.—Melyssa Malinowski, Kenwood High School, Baltimore, MD(c) Copyright 2010. In a town hurt by environmental regulations, Jenna begins to realize that there is more than one side to th

Fun Summer Read Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots was a really fun, adventurous read with a few more serious matters thrown in.Jenna is a 17 year old girl who grew up in the suburbs of New Jersey. She's a member of a Green Teen, a club for environmentalists who hold protests and spends her free time sending letters to government officials to protect the environment. Over summer she chooses to. Okay but not for me Sadly, I didn't like Boys, Bears, And A Serious Pair Of Hiking Boots very much. I think it could have been so much better than it was. There really wasn't much about it that I did like.First off, the characters. Jenna was annoying, Olivia only played a small part, Fiona was a bitch most of the book, and the guys were kind of mysterious. Jenna was all about helping the environment but she di. A Cute, Green Contemporary Romance Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl Book Reviews **I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This review and many others can be found on my blog, That Artsy Reader Girl**An outdoorsy contemporary, with a Jersey girl in the summery Canadian wilderness!? I was all for it. And honestly, the title was quite intriguing and made me laugh. I also thought the "Green Teen" spin was kind of