Constantine's Crossing

Read [Dejan Stojiljković Book] # Constantines Crossing Online ! PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Constantines Crossing In the night when the Allied bombers are to inflame the sky above Nis, an impalpable sense of longing will lead those who have nothing to lose into the underground. The sword so yearned for by Hitler lies below the foundations of ancient Naissus, in the weapons collection marked as CONSTANTINE’S CROSSING. Into the darkness, where purple eyes glow, toward the place where borders of the two worlds intersect, toward CONSTANTINE’S CROSSING.. The same legend says that the third Holy Relic

Constantine's Crossing

Author :
Rating : 4.46 (703 Votes)
Asin : B00OYUNC2A
Format Type :
Number of Pages : 368 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-05-26
Language : English


Gripped by horror themes and messages that linger beyond the page Wild Rooster Nazis, Roman emperors and the quest for a holy relic, Dejan Stojiljković’s novel Constantine’s Crossing has all the elements you could expect from a Dan Brown-wannabe. Throw in some vampires and any writer worth his salt might just hit the jackpot.What this does not say is that, while Constantine’s Crossing is a. GLOVES said Epic. Constantine’s Crossing is an epic tale, filled with history, fantasy, and myth galore. The novel’s perspective changes between chapters, providing a unique and interesting method of storytelling. I was attached to each of the characters, and the Serbian philosophies that shined through the author's text provided a lot for me

In the night when the Allied bombers are to inflame the sky above Nis, an impalpable sense of longing will lead those who have nothing to lose into the underground. The sword so yearned for by Hitler lies below the foundations of ancient Naissus, in the weapons collection marked as CONSTANTINE’S CROSSING. Into the darkness, where purple eyes glow, toward the place where borders of the two worlds intersect, toward CONSTANTINE’S CROSSING.. The same legend says that the third Holy Relic is located in the Balkans, in the south of the country shaken by the civil war, in the birth place of roman emperor Constantine the Great.In the spring of 1939, Heinrich Himmler gave Adolf Hitler a gift – a map with six routes drawn

That was just the latest in a long line of releases which won prestigious literary awards and critical accolades all over Europe. Perhaps using that historical backdrop as an inspiration in his own works, Stojiljkovic is one of the most popular and widely-read authors in Serbia. About the Author Dejan Stojiljkovic was born and raised in Nis, Serbia, a small town that is best known as the birthplace of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great. . The words flow easily and somehow takes the reader to a dark, dreary, war-torn town, yet makes the r

In addition to his traditional novels, Stojiljkovic has also written several comic scripts and a collection of essays on comics. One of those earlier novels, Constantine's Crossing, was originally released in Serbia in 2009, and has now been translated to English for the first time. Perhaps using that historical backdrop as an inspirat