Cuba, I Remember You / Cuba, te recuerdo (English and Spanish Edition)

Read [Oscar M. Ramirez-Orbea Book] ^ Cuba, I Remember You / Cuba, te recuerdo (English and Spanish Edition) Online ! PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Cuba, I Remember You / Cuba, te recuerdo (English and Spanish Edition) Una colección bilingüe de 14 cuentos cortos, todos en inglés y en español, basados en las experiencias del autor antes y después de la revolución comunista. The collection has been created not just with Cubans in mind! It is definitely for the general reader, especially one who enjoys plenty of humor, a little history, and stories of family life. Y se muestra también en ellos un gran cariño hacia todos los parientes queridos, ya estén

Cuba, I Remember You / Cuba, te recuerdo (English and Spanish Edition)

Author :
Rating : 4.21 (558 Votes)
Asin : 1594539553
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 392 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-01-02
Language : English


Una colección bilingüe de 14 cuentos cortos, todos en inglés y en español, basados en las experiencias del autor antes y después de la revolución comunista. The collection has been created not just with Cubans in mind! It is definitely for the general reader, especially one who enjoys plenty of humor, a little history, and stories of family life. Y se muestra también en ellos un gran cariño hacia todos los parientes queridos, ya estén vivos o ausentes. They are all told with a good deal of humor but also with a deep feeling of nostalgia for a beloved land and recounted with a great love of family, both living and dead. Includes many period family photographs that illustrate the stories. Muchísima nostalgia para los que conocieron a Cuba en los cincuenta y los sesenta y muchísimo buen humor para todos los lectores en general. Incluye una Apéndice para enseñantes que deseen emplear el libro en cursos de inglé

El doctor Oscar M. Future writing plans currently under work include the role of Catholicism in a post-Communist Cuba as well as an anthology of Cuban historical events and colofurl legends. Oscar M. Ramirez-Orbea obtained his Ph.D. Cuba te recuerdo es la primera obra narrativa del profesor Ramírez Orbea. Ra

in Romance Languages and Literature at UCLA, from where he graduated with highest honors. Dr. Cuba, I Remember You is Dr. Ramírez-Orbea, was born in Camagüey, Cuba, in 1955. Obtuvo su doctorado en lenguas y literaturas romances de la Universidad de California en Los Angeles (UCLA) diplomándose con los más altos honores. Ramirez-Orbea obtained his Ph.D. He emigrated with his family to the US in 1966. Ramírez’s first narrative work. . Emigró a los Estados Unidos con su familia en 1966. Future writing plans currently under work include the role of Catholicism in a post-Communist C

Ramirez has the makings of a first-rate novelist! BHR The powerful and lasting thing about this book is the impact of his of childhood on himself and above all of the life he led with his family in Cuba before and after the revolution, and his extraordinary literary ability. Throughout, I am skeptical about Ramirez's Cuban "essence," I am utterly persuaded, on the basis of this book, that Ramirez has the makings of a first-rate novelist. He indicates in the book that this