Dreams in Blue: "The Real Police"

[Richard Neal Huffman] ✓ Dreams in Blue: The Real Police ´ Read Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Dreams in Blue: The Real Police The book Dreams in Blue: The Real Police written by Richard Neal Huffman consist of 191 pages. It published on 2017-05-21. This book available on paperback format but you can read it online or even download it from our website. Just follow the simple step.]

Dreams in Blue:

Author :
Rating : 4.74 (780 Votes)
Asin : 1413790739
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 191 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-05-21
Language : English


The book Dreams in Blue: "The Real Police" written by Richard Neal Huffman consist of 191 pages. It published on 2017-05-21. This book available on paperback format but you can read it online or even download it from our website. Just follow the simple step.

I realized my ultimate dream when I became a certified police officer in the fall of 1980. I held a license for six years as a private investigator. I served as a village councilman and then as mayor. I grew up defending the weak and timid and then put on the uniform of the U.S. Army to defend my country during Vietnam. . I became infatuated with law enforcement, my childhood heroes being old west marshals and sheriffs. This is my story, Dreams in Blue. I served as a patrolman, sergeant, detective, training officer and assistant chief of police. I went on to also serve as a clerk, tank crewman, intelligence specialist and a military policeman. My parents migrated to lower Michigan when I was two. My primary MOS, or military occupational speciality, was as a medic. From the Inside Flap I was born a sharecropper’s son outside of Kennett, Missouri

betty l. dravis said Fascinating peek inside the mind of a smalltown policeman!. I first heard of this book in "Fascinating peek inside the mind of a smalltown policeman!" according to betty l. dravis. I first heard of this book in 2006 and have always wanted to read it, but never got around to it until now. The wait was well worth it!Dreams in Blue: "The Real Police" is an entertaining, educational read that takes the reader inside the police departments of Smalltown America of yesteryear. Author Richard Neal Huffman takes us with him as he patrols the streets in and around Bangor, Michigan.I was fascinated by Huffman's accounting of how and why he chos. 006 and have always wanted to read it, but never got around to it until now. The wait was well worth it!Dreams in Blue: "The Real Police" is an entertaining, educational read that takes the reader inside the police departments of Smalltown America of yesteryear. Author Richard Neal Huffman takes us with him as he patrols the streets in and around Bangor, Michigan.I was fascinated by Huffman's accounting of how and why he chos. "Good Action Against Bad Bullies" according to Linda G. Shelnutt. Richard Neal Huffman stepped out of the TV of his childhood, and began walking then, in his daily reality, in the footsteps of his super heroes. Though some of Huffman's steps fell far and hard, he kept walking, kept defending, even now, 58 years hence.This true story needed to be told and needs to be read. It was written in a clean, direct style which had me reading easily, comprehending without effort, wanting to return to read after being away only a fe. Chriss Lyon said Expected More. I was captured by the title, "Dreams in Blue" and thought that I was going to learn about the author growing up with aspirations of being in law enforcement, then fulfilling his dreams and motivating others to follow their dreams. Maybe even put some myths to rest that he thought were true but learned weren't. Basically I thought it would be something of a motivational journey through the eyes of the author. This was not the case! While reading, I felt a s