Health Reform without Side Effects: Making Markets Work for Individual Health Insurance (Hoover Institution Press Publication)

Read [Mark V. Pauly Book] ! Health Reform without Side Effects: Making Markets Work for Individual Health Insurance (Hoover Institution Press Publication) Online # PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Health Reform without Side Effects: Making Markets Work for Individual Health Insurance (Hoover Institution Press Publication) Pauly offers a detailed look at the individual insurance market in the United States. He explains how it works, suggests approaches to improvement that build on what currently works well, and provides a realistic assessment of how much improvement we can demand and expect. He concludes that, although there are some serious deficiencies in todays individual insurance market, there are also some important advantages in this market that should be preserved.. Mark V]

Health Reform without Side Effects: Making Markets Work for Individual Health Insurance (Hoover Institution Press Publication)

Author :
Rating : 4.19 (821 Votes)
Asin : 0817910441
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 112 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-11-27
Language : English


"Health Care Reform without Side Effects" according to R. Cooper. Mark Pauly's exposition of the way private health insurance markets really work is a must-read for anyone who wants to make sense out of what our nation faces as it trys to create a rational system in the wake of Health Care Reform. Brief, clear and understandable for professioinals and patients, alike.. Even an Obamacare supporter would finally get why the ACA is a disaster JimPuerto Terrific summary of why Obamacare will fail, and it was written in 2010. Just logic and facts, not opinions, so if you are open to both, have a read. There are so many better solutions.

From the Inside FlapMost people are offered health insurance through their jobs, and most still take it.  But increasingly large numbers of workers have jobs in which coverage is not offered or where the terms under which it is offered do not induce them to take it. Pauly provides some alternatives to the reforms currently proposed by Congress. There is, however, an alternative to job-based insurance in which consumers could buy health insurance in the same way as they buy other kinds of insurances: voluntarily, as individual consumers, from private insurance firms. Although there are some serious trade-offs among different policy features, the model of open, neutral competitive markets seems best suited to making those trade-offs  under our current conditions.. It  runs the real risk of increasing the number of uninsured, stifling innovation in health insurance at a time when it is most needed, and creating dysfunctional incentives for bo

Pauly offers a detailed look at the individual insurance market in the United States. He explains how it works, suggests approaches to improvement that build on what currently works well, and provides a realistic assessment of how much improvement we can demand and expect. He concludes that, although there are some serious deficiencies in today's individual insurance market, there are also some important advantages in this market that should be preserved.. Mark V