Physician-Patient Consultation Illustrations - Deluxe Edition

Read # Physician-Patient Consultation Illustrations - Deluxe Edition PDF by # Stephen F Gordon eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Physician-Patient Consultation Illustrations - Deluxe Edition For 30 years, the PPCI has provided Doctors and Patients with time saving, truly comprehensive communication success in the exam room. Features: - 32 Full Color, new larger size 8-1/2”x11” Illustrations Portfolio - All subjects, Cataract, Cornea, Retina, Glaucoma, Refractive Surgery - New, higher quality images added - Eliminates your struggle to have patients understand his/her problem - Patients appreciate your clarity -Simple in-the-drawer access – no expensive computer need

Physician-Patient Consultation Illustrations - Deluxe Edition

Author :
Rating : 4.63 (933 Votes)
Asin : 1466461330
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 36 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-08-23
Language : English


For 30 years, the PPCI has provided Doctors and Patients with time saving, truly comprehensive communication success in the exam room. Features: - 32 Full Color, new larger size 8-1/2”x11” Illustrations Portfolio - All subjects, Cataract, Cornea, Retina, Glaucoma, Refractive Surgery - New, higher quality images added - Eliminates your struggle to have patients understand his/her problem - Patients appreciate your clarity -Simple in-the-drawer access – no expensive computer needed

"This is my fourth copy I've bought in my career" according to EyesThis is my fourth copy I've bought in my career Eyes4younme This is my fourth copy I've bought in my career. The new updated version is much more updated, with photos of a view with advancing glaucoma. My only drawback is that it's not in a spiral anymore with heavy card stock paper, but more of a lighter paper. I've taken the spiral apart and always put the cards in cover sheets and a binder to help with it. younme. This is my fourth copy I've bought in my career. The new updated version is much more updated, with photos of a view with advancing glaucoma. My only drawback is that it's not in a spiral anymore with heavy card stock paper, but more of a lighter paper. I've taken the spiral apart and always put the cards in cover sheets and a binder to help with it