The Philosopher and His Poor

! Read * The Philosopher and His Poor by Jacques Rancière ✓ eBook or Kindle ePUB. The Philosopher and His Poor It offers innovative readings of these thinkers’ struggles to elaborate a philosophy of the poor. Published in France in 1983 and made available here for the first time in English, this consummate study assesses the consequences for Marx, Sartre, and Bourdieu of Plato’s admonition that workers should do “nothing else” than their own work. What has philosophy to do with the poor? If, as has often been supposed, the poor have no time for philosophy, then why have philosophe

The Philosopher and His Poor

Author :
Rating : 4.72 (943 Votes)
Asin : 0822332744
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 280 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-03-25
Language : English


It offers innovative readings of these thinkers’ struggles to elaborate a philosophy of the poor. Published in France in 1983 and made available here for the first time in English, this consummate study assesses the consequences for Marx, Sartre, and Bourdieu of Plato’s admonition that workers should do “nothing else” than their own work. What has philosophy to do with the poor? If, as has often been supposed, the poor have no time for philosophy, then why have philosophers always made time for them? Why is the history of philosophy—from Plato to Karl Marx to Jean-Paul Sartre to Pierre Bourdieu—the history of so many figures of the poor: plebes, men of iron, the demos, artisans, common people, proletarians, the masses? Why have philosophers made the shoemaker, in particular, a remarkably ubiquitous presence in this history? Does philosophy itself depend on this thinking about the poor? If so, can it ever refrain from thinking for them?Jacques Rancière’s The Philosopher and His Poor meditates on these questions in close readings of major texts of Western thought in which the poor have played a leading role—sometimes as the objects of philosophical analysis, sometimes as illustrations of philosophical argument. Presenting a left critique of Bourdieu, the terms of which are largely unknown to an English-language readership, The Philosopher and His Poor remains remarkably t

“Sure to provoke controversy, The Philosopher and His Poor is a virtuoso performance. I can’t think of anyone who has pursued the populist premise—the intuition that in this or that situation the grounding of truth or value is to be located in those most dispossessed—with anything approaching Rancière’s degree of articulateness or philosophical sophistication. I predict that this book will become a landmark.”—Bruce Robbins, author of Feeling Global: Internationalism in Distress

Anonymous said Among Rancière's most interesting works. The belated arrival of this early book of Jacques Rancière in English is very welcome. Andrew Parker's Introduction, which tells the convoluted story of the book's prior aborted translation, is worth reading by itself. And Parker goes beyond this story to provide not only the most thorough bibliography on Rancière that an English reader will ever have seen, but a compelling explanation of the philosopher's place in relation to his, and our, contemporaries (Althusser, Balibar, Bourdieu), and of his importance. . Borders and Transgressions - the contribution of philosophy to class separation Stefan Szczelkun Philosophy's concern is to safeguard its own appearance. To naturalise its claims to nobility or intellectual prowess and superiority. Plato is the first to be criticised by Rancière. I need class analysis of the influence of the rediscovered ancient classics by the Humanist scholars in their role as the managers of the new city states of Europe and how this heretical force played within the Christian hegemony to produce the mind that freed itself from Christian mystical fatalism and gave rise to the Enlightenme