Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering The Dynasties of the Ancient Maya

Read [Simon Martin, Nikolai Grube Book] ^ Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering The Dynasties of the Ancient Maya Online ! PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering The Dynasties of the Ancient Maya One of the worlds greatest and most powerful civilizations, the Maya experienced constant conflict in a landscape divided among numerous kingdoms. The ancient Maya remain one of the most vibrant areas of study in world archaeology. 366 illustrations, 86 in color. This new version of the only comprehensive, kingdom-by-kingdom history of the ancient Maya brings the story fully up to date with previously unknown rulers and new glyphic readings, as well as additional information on diplomacy and wa

Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering The Dynasties of the Ancient Maya

Author :
Rating : 4.66 (865 Votes)
Asin : 0500287260
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 240 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-11-18
Language : English


The Latest on the Rulers of the Maya Area It's really extraordinary how epigraphers have been able to read the Maya names of the rulers (male and female) in the Maya area over the last several decades. This is a terrific summation of much of what has been done with the inscriptions over the last fifty years starting with the work of Tatiana Proskouriakoff in the early 1960s and Heinrich Berlin just before that when the first breakthroughs were made in glyphic dec. "Little "revision" evident" according to Chris Sterling. Three stars only as this "second" edition appears little changed from the first issued eight years earlier. If you have the first edition, take a pass on this.That said, the book remains one of the best illustrated and most clearly written of any recent books about the ancient Maya with excellent charts and great paintings recreating the classic era.. Hamida said Treasure Trove of Information, not to be missed. I have been studying the Maya for over Treasure Trove of Information, not to be missed I have been studying the Maya for over 30 years and it is such a delight to find a book that puts together so much information, is well-written and has so many valuable illustrations. There's a lot to absorb here and it is not light reading, but for anyone interested in the dynastic and political history of the Classic Maya, this is a treasure trove. Not to be missed.. 0 years and it is such a delight to find a book that puts together so much information, is well-written and has so many valuable illustrations. There's a lot to absorb here and it is not light reading, but for anyone interested in the dynastic and political history of the Classic Maya, this is a treasure trove. Not to be missed.

About the Author is a Research Specialist at the University of Pennsylvania Museum. . For the past fourteen years he has been doing epigraphic fieldwork at Calakmul, a professor of anthropology at the University of Bonn. He has been closely associated with several archaeological projects, including Caracol, Belize, and Yaxha, Guatemala

One of the world's greatest and most powerful civilizations, the Maya experienced constant conflict in a landscape divided among numerous kingdoms. The ancient Maya remain one of the most vibrant areas of study in world archaeology. 366 illustrations, 86 in color. This new version of the only comprehensive, kingdom-by-kingdom history of the ancient Maya brings the story fully up to date with previously unknown rulers and new glyphic readings, as well as additional information on diplomacy and warfare. Intense rivalries, rapacious conquerors, and repeated dynastic defeat and breakdown are common themes in many tales of this mighty civilization. Fresh discoveries in the field, together with the ongoing process of hieroglyphic decipherment, mean that information is constantly coming to light. "The ideal reference on Maya archaeology."—Science News Behind the ancient cities of the Maya and their abandoned artworks lie the turbulent stories of their ruling dynasties

. is a Research Specialist at the University of Pennsylvania Museum. For the past fourteen years he has been doing epigraphic fieldwork at Calakmul, a professor of anthropology at the University of Bonn. He has been closely associated with several archaeological projects, including Caracol, Belize, and Yaxha, Guatemala