Good Night, Sleep Tight

Read * Good Night, Sleep Tight PDF by ^ Mem Fox eBook or Kindle ePUB Online free. Good Night, Sleep Tight Excellent book for bedtime This is a great new book that is sure to become a childrens classic. The pictures are excellent as well as the content. The book goes through a number of nursery rhymes and is a calming and soothing book for bedtime.. time for bed Melissa Sack Bonnie and Ben have had a great time with their favorite babysitter, Skinny Doug. When bedtime rolls around, Doug shares lots of great nursery rhymes to the children for their bedtime story. Some were familiar to our family but

Good Night, Sleep Tight

Author :
Rating : 4.36 (946 Votes)
Asin : 0545533708
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 32 Pages
Publish Date : 2013-12-23
Language : English


Familiar to him, that is. A fun book that will remind parents to pass along the golden oldies. / Hope the fleas don’t bite!” is one. The Quentin Blake–style pictures alternate between simple, warm scenes of Doug and his charges and the amusing ink-and-watercolor pictures that illustrate the rhymes, sometimes quite intricately. From Booklist Ben and Bonnie’s babysitter, Skinny Doug, has a cool way to put his charges to sleep—with familiar rhymes. --Ilene Cooper . Instead he says, “I’ll tell you another. ‘How does it go? Will you say it again?’” Skinny Doug does not repeat, though. / I heard from my mother.” (This i

A sweet good-night story by internationally bestselling picture book author Mem Fox!GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT reunites bestselling picture book author Mem Fox with illustrator Judy Horacek, following their collaboration on WHERE IS THE GREEN SHEEP?In this sweet story that's just perfect for bedtime reading, Bonnie and Ben's favorite babysitter tells them nursery rhymes at bedtime--including "It's raining! It's pouring! The old man is snoring"; "This little piggy went to market"; and more. Bonnie and Ben enjoy the stories so much that they don't want to go to sleep; they want to hear each one again! Instead the babysitter tells them new nursery rhymes until, finally, all three of them fall fast sleep.

Excellent book for bedtime This is a great new book that is sure to become a children's classic. The pictures are excellent as well as the content. The book goes through a number of nursery rhymes and is a calming and soothing book for bedtime.. time for bed Melissa Sack Bonnie and Ben have had a great time with their favorite babysitter, Skinny Doug. When bedtime rolls around, Doug shares lots of great nursery rhymes to the children for their bedtime story. Some were familiar to our family but others were new. This will make a great bedtime story!. It's Me, Sven! said Nursery rhymes with a catchy "chorus" and cute plot. Skinny Doug was nominated for three presidential medals.*. "Good Night, Sleep Tight" is a wonderful book that breaks the stereotype-influenced mold of babysitting stories by having a cool, male babysitter named Skinny Doug. Skinny Doug is a popular guy. His high school voted him as class favorite four years in a row*. He is babysitting Bonnie and Ben who, like many kids their age, are trying to get out of going to bed by making requests. Come on, kids, Skinny Doug has calls to make, texts to send! Just go to sleep!Skinny Doug, showing why the local Kiwanis Club named him Teenager of the Year in his town*, appeases the kids throug