Pliny: Natural History, Volume II, Books 3-7 (Loeb Classical Library No. 352)

[Pliny] ↠ Pliny: Natural History, Volume II, Books 3-7 (Loeb Classical Library No. 352) Õ Download Online eBook or Kindle ePUB. Pliny: Natural History, Volume II, Books 3-7 (Loeb Classical Library No. 352) Book 1: table of contents of the others and of authorities; 2: mathematical and metrological survey of the universe; 3-6: geography and ethnography of the known world; 7: anthropology and the physiology of man; 8-11: zoology; 12-19: botany, agriculture, and horticulture; 20-27: plant products as used in medicine; 28-32: medical zoology; 33-37: minerals (and medicine), the fine arts, and gemstones. The contents of the books are as follows. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Natural History is

Pliny: Natural History, Volume II, Books 3-7 (Loeb Classical Library No. 352)

Author :
Rating : 4.49 (654 Votes)
Asin : 0674993888
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 672 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-01-16
Language : Latin


Book 1: table of contents of the others and of authorities; 2: mathematical and metrological survey of the universe; 3-6: geography and ethnography of the known world; 7: anthropology and the physiology of man; 8-11: zoology; 12-19: botany, agriculture, and horticulture; 20-27: plant products as used in medicine; 28-32: medical zoology; 33-37: minerals (and medicine), the fine arts, and gemstones. The contents of the books are as follows. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Natural History is in ten volumes.. Pliny the Elder, tireless researcher and writer, is author of the encyclopedic Natural History, in 37 books, an unrivaled compendium of Roman knowledge

An ancestor of Borges, Kafka and Calvino Martin Monreal It is ridiculous to dismiss Pliny on account of his many mistakes and factual errors and so on.The way to read this book is the way in which you read that kind of fantastic literature that gives the "illusion" of fact; Borges and Italo Calvino come to mind - the first one had plans for making an edition of Pliny in Spanish, with his prologue, but died before finishing the project (you can check the notes of Borges' Selected Non-Fictions for that); Calvino in fact wrote a wonderful essay on Pliny, included in ". History from a participant Mark D. Hornbogen Ancient history from one who lived it. Pliny was drawn into becoming a general trying to extricate his troops from a lost battle. The writing is informative but tedious.