End Times, The:: Prophecies of Coming Changes

Read [John Van Auken Book] ! End Times, The:: Prophecies of Coming Changes Online # PDF eBook or Kindle ePUB free. End Times, The:: Prophecies of Coming Changes The author examines startling predictions of the end times, emphasizing the strong similarities among these diverse sources.. This eye-opening book looks at prophecies from four different sources: the Bible, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Holy Mother]

End Times, The:: Prophecies of Coming Changes

Author :
Rating : 4.91 (575 Votes)
Asin : 0451206657
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 256 Pages
Publish Date : 2016-02-28
Language : English


Contains some interesting things, but. In reading such books we should keep in mind that such prophecies of future catastrophic events are not written in stone. A good book that explains that is The Isaiah Effect, by Gregg Braden. It demonstrates how prophecies of global catastrophe and suffering are either symbolic or may only represent future possibilities, rather than forecast impending doom. Moreover, Braden's book establishes that we have the power to determine our future, and avoid catastrophe.That fact is also established in other books that provide a very realistic and credible view of prophecy that we can celebrate. One explains how an. "Fabulous insights" according to Robert H. Hyatt. Well written book, with just the insights needed to clear up so many distorted truths. definitely worth your time to read!. Great Book!!! This was a great book, it kept me glued to it and after each section it kept me reading to find out what was next. As it says in the book, it is not about scaring people into terror, it is a book about hope, once you read it you will understand, and have a whole new out look on things.

The author examines startling predictions of the end times, emphasizing the strong similarities among these diverse sources.. This eye-opening book looks at prophecies from four different sources: the Bible, Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, and the Holy Mother

. From the Back Cover As the millennium approaches, the "end times" rise in the public's interest. Hear Nostradamus's amazing predictions from centuries ago. Learn what prophecies are included in The Revelation, Daniel, and other books of the Bible about the final days and the Second Coming. Compare all of these with the messages from Marian apparitions warning of impending cataclysmic changes unless there is a return to God. Review concepts from the Cayce readings about earth changes and the prophecies written in stone within the Great Pyramid

and abroad. He has written seven books and has traveled extensively conducting seminars throughout the U.S. His extensive knowledge of the Cayce psychic readings, the Bible, world religions, and ancient Egypt is combined with years of practical application of these truths in his own life. . John Van Auken, a former executive director of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., is an author and speaker on reincarnation, karma, and hi