The Valley of Vision

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The Valley of Vision

Author :
Rating : 4.77 (885 Votes)
Asin : 1434490114
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 296 Pages
Publish Date : 2017-05-09
Language : English


Educated at the Theological Seminary at Princeton University, van Dyke returned to the school after his graduation as a Professor of English Literature and became an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. After a lifetime of public service and religious leadership, Henry van Dyke died in 1933 at the age of 80. In 1913 he was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson, his former classmate, as the ambassador to the Netherlands and Luxembourg, a job that he maintained throughout the First World War. . About the AuthorHenry van Dyke was an American religious writer, lecturer, and clergyman. His most

"NOT the Puritan Prayer Valley of Vision book" according to Amazon Customer. There is no description for this product and I'm sure the seller is selling quite a few copies to people buying something they think is something else. This is NOT the puritan prayer collection that goes by the same title. It's something completely unrelated. Don't waste your money like I did if you are looking for the more popular "The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions". I should have sampled this I thought I was ordering the classic "The Valley of Vision" - a book of wonderful Puritan prayers. Not so.. Not what I thought Something should be said for having the genius to name you book with the same name as a collection prayers. He has probably sold more than he ever expected.

In 1913 he was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson, his former classmate, as the ambassador to the Netherlands and Luxembourg, a job that he maintained throughout the First World War. Henry van Dyke was an American religious writer, lecturer, and clergyman. Educated at the Theological Seminary at Princeton University, van Dyke returned to the school after his graduation as a Professor of English Literature and became an elected member of t

The Works of Henry Van Dyke, Vol. IX.