Introduction to Fruit Crops (Crop Science)

* Read ! Introduction to Fruit Crops (Crop Science) by Mark Rieger ç eBook or Kindle ePUB. Introduction to Fruit Crops (Crop Science) great reference as well as easy to read B. Ruemmele This book works great for a college-level fruit production course, but is also written in a format any enthusiast of growing fruit crops could understand. In addition to general growing techniques, major crops from around the world are described in further detail with regard to their specific production. Additional information on the history of the crops and other non-food uses adds to the enjoyment of learning about the various fruit crops.. h

Introduction to Fruit Crops (Crop Science)

Author :
Rating : 4.78 (655 Votes)
Asin : 156022259X
Format Type : paperback
Number of Pages : 520 Pages
Publish Date : 2014-08-01
Language : English


Other issues explored include preventative measures from pests and diseases and practical cultivation strategies to best encourage maximum yield for each crop. Introduction to Fruit Crops includes information on: scientific names folklore medicinal properties non-food usage production botanical description plant morphology pollination soils climate propagation rootstocks planting design, training, and pruning pest problemsincluding weeds, insects, mites, and diseases harvest and postharvest handling food usesSome of the crops described include: African oil palm b

Davies, PhD, Professor of Horticulture, University of Florida, Gainesville"WELL ORGANIZED, WELL ILLUSTRATED, SCHOLARLY, AND READER-FRIENDLY." -- Darrell Sparks, PhD, Professor of Horticulture, University of Georgia. "A CONCISELY WRITTEN, EXTENSIVE REVIEW OF THE WORLD'S MAJOR FRUIT CROPS." -- Frederick S

great reference as well as easy to read B. Ruemmele This book works great for a college-level fruit production course, but is also written in a format any enthusiast of growing fruit crops could understand. In addition to general growing techniques, major crops from around the world are described in further detail with regard to their specific production. Additional information on the history of the crops and other non-food uses adds to the enjoyment of learning about the various fruit crops.. horticultural focus Yussra The topic is interesting, but more horticultural than botanical (the science is applied rather than theoretical). Also, I bought a used copy, I think, and all of the color plates fell apart after very light use. It's a bother when pages start falling out of a book! But it's interesting to learn about fruits. :o). fruit crop Kindle Customer Book is okay but I expected more. Talks briefly about a variety of different crops but is not as detailed as I would have liked. Still has been an interesting read. Good for someone looking to get a nice overview of different crops.